
Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Leave the SK alone  (The Freeman) November 02, 2010
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If there is so much noise about the character and conduct of the Sangguniang Kabataan, it is only because there are so many hypocrites in our midst who pretend not to see that when the SK swung around years ago, there was never any pretention as to its direction.

There was no way the SK can be anything other than what they are supposedly being trained to become later -- as adult leaders of our country. That was the one and only purpose in creating the SK.

So if SK members behave like their models, they should be applauded instead of condemned. At least they succeeded in becoming what they were meant to be. Had they strayed away from their intended direction, then that should be the time to flog them.

In fairness to the SK, it is not the only one whose activities are patterned after adult models. Even in campus politics, where participants are as young as grade-schoolers, the signs of hewing to pre-set adult examples are already there and unmistakable.

This is not to say that people should be pleased with what they see in the SK, or that they believe in the reasons for its being. But why blame the SK when, shorn of all pretense and hypocrisy, it is only being truthful to what it was truly conceived to be.

If people do not like what they see in the SK, or do not see any reason for its continued existence, then they should work mightily to have it abolished. But while it exists, do not flog it for being true to itself.
For there can be no disliking the SK while at the same time tolerating the model after which it was designed to learn from and emulate. There is a method to the madness of politics and the SK is just part of that process.
So its either we put up or shut up. The SK cannot be so bad if the model is so good. Year in and year out we fill the air with the agonized screams of our bellyaching, and yet year in and year out we go through the same exercise with so much excitement you'd think a revolution was on.

Almost to a man, Filipinos love to condemn our brand of politics. And yet almost to a man Filipinos take to no other undertaking with so much passion as politics. So what is it really? Or are we just being hypocritical even with our own hypocrisies?

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